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Advancing Our Mission: Key Highlights from Waldom’s First ESG Report

Waldom has made significant strides in advancing its sustainability mission. Last month, we proudly released our 2023 ESG report, marking a milestone as our first-ever comprehensive disclosure of our environmental, social, and governance initiatives....

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The Circular Economy: How a Master Distributor Can Help You Close the Loop

With the growing awareness of resource constraints and environmental challenges, the concept of the circular economy has emerged as a promising paradigm shift from the traditional linear "take-make-waste" industrial model....

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Bulgin's Strategic Management of Distributor Returns with Waldom Electronics

Bulgin, a renowned manufacturer of connectors and switches, had long benefited from various Waldom programs, including Low Volume, New Product Introduction (NPI), and Network Optimization initiatives....

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Destroyed, Recycled or Sold: The Three Options for Excess Electronic Components Inventory

In this article, we examine the three options of what to do with excess electronic components, and determine which option is not only the best option for our planet but can also lead to greater profits for suppliers and distributors....

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Selling Sustainably: How "Green Stock" is Changing the Components Industry

Electronic waste, or E-waste, is a mounting challenge for the electronics industry. As technologies advance quickly, perfectly usable components get left behind, destined for landfills through the process of scrapping. However, the innovative approach known as “Green Stock” reimagines component life...

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